Monday 30 June 2008

Crack In The USSR

So you're a Russian billionaire looking for the perfect musical accompaniment to your sophisticated art gallery opening? A string quartet, perhaps?

Or a recovering crack addict who appeared at her last show an hour late, covered in bruises and bandages with a highly contagious condition that makes the skin fall off her face.

Oligarch Roman Abramovich and his girlfriend Daria Zhukova have gone for the latter, and booked Amy Winehouse to entertain their uber rich friends, celebrities and art-world bigwigs at the gala opening of their new Moscow gallery tonight.

Amy, who is struggling to beat an addiction to crack cocaine, is due to play to 300 guests at the couple's brand new Center for Contemporary Culture just outside the city.

Amy, 24, made a disappointing comeback show in Portugal last month, after calling off an arena tour, getting on stage an hour late, then admitting she should have canceled the show before stumbling through a severely shortened set.

There was speculation that the nasty looking bruise on her neck was a love bite from her husband, Blake Fielder Civil, who she had visited in prison shortly before flying to the show.�

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